Time for Tart

Take a look for two kinds of Tart. Both of them with the same no-baked type of filling (white chocolate whipped cream, yammmi….), but with different fruits. The combination of the strawberries tartness and white chocolate sweetness is balancing each other and creates an unusual soft and tasty flavor. If you like this kind of tastes, you can use also kiwi, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries or even pomegranate. I tried ones to use also citrus fruits, but it wasn't fit, especially I think because of a crumbly texture.

The second one I made with bananas, this one is for people that like sweet kind of pastries. You can use also carabola, pineapple, melon or lychee. Do not forget to add a little bit jello on top of it to keep it fresh. Bon appetit !

Lighting McQueen cake

Year after year, as my family expended I decided to go a step forward and to make for my sweet nephew a cake inspired by a great animated film with the main character of "Cars", Lighting McQueen. I'm a great fan of cartoon movies, but believe it or not, I saw it after I made the cake and loved every moment of this romantic story…


Captain Vrungel

The great character of Captain Vrungel cartoon movie from an old russian video collection is a poor sailor Fooks. I tried to show his face expression, full of compassion. Poor guy…
The idea was to put some features of him as a sailor. I emphasized it by the writing on a cake as the shape of a lifebuoy


Yeast cake with syrup glaze

The most fun thing is to bake yeast cakes at rainy cold days, while you're sitting on a sofa, drinking hot chocolate and eating hot soft yeast chocolate cake and looking out the window at the drizzling rain.

The great advantage of yeast cakes is the durability for a long period. If you made too much of them, u can share it with your relatives or friends. Or, you can freeze it in the freezer and heat in the microwave, that's how I'm saving one more option of eating a delicious desert at any time.

Some of us afraid a little bit if messing with yeast. I won't lie and say that, it took some time for me to start baking yeast cakes. When I was little, my mom generally baked this kind of cakes and she always said that we need a lot of patience and special treatment and the baker should be in a good mood, otherwise the dough won't inflate. So, I'm taking yeast to my hands only when I'm in a good mood.

Happy Smurfday!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest Smurfette ever! Look at her sweet fingers.... :) :) :)

Honey layers cake

It was probably one of hardest cakes to bake, especially because it takes some time for a cake to be ready to be eaten. The main reason for it is the process of baking each layer separate only a few minutes in the oven and of course the more layers you have the tastiest  it will be. One more reason for it is the waiting at least one night until the pastry layers would be soft enough and sponged by a cream.

Hapoel Tel-Aviv Cake

This is a cake that I made for my dear husband Boaz at his 29th birthday! He is a big fan of Hapoel Tel-Aviv soccer club, so I decided to modify a little bit the logo of the team and the writing in order to mach it to the event. Isn't it looks alike....?!


The same as my previous work, I was so so impressed by obsession of my little niece to Hello Kitty, So I made for her this one… Less scarier then the beetle J